Welcome to PEMPAC, Private Equity Mortgage Professionals Association of Canada®.

PEMPAC® is an Association of Canadian Federal National- (and equivalent International-) Standards-Class Professionals; and the Canadian chapter of the International Private Mortgage Institute (PEMI)®. PEMPAC members have earned a Chartered Private Equity Mortgage Professional (C-PEM®-P) designation.

Who & Why Are We?

The Private Equity Mortgage Institute PEMI® ( is the operative division of the International Private Equity Mortgage Institute (,, a global association of real estate finance professionals including: investors, lenders, mortgage bankers, licensed brokers and licensed agents; who trade in the highly specialized field of PEMI®-Certified Private Equity Mortgage trade.

What is the private equity mortgage industry group? (Source: PEMI® Private Equity Mortgage Institute

  • The private equity mortgage industry group consists of individuals and organizations that trade in what is classified as digital and non-digital, non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow securities and related financial instruments, secured by real estate.
  • First-Party Market: Capital seekers (Applicants and Borrowers; Individuals, Organizations and Corporations) and Capital deployers (Investors and Lenders) who trade (on a first-party basis) in private equity mortgage instruments are typically - but not always - private individuals or organizations classified as: non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt and free trading entities; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow entities.
  • Third-Party (Intermediary) Market: Brokers and Traders (middle-persons) are classified as credit intermediaries and depending on the jurisdiction, may be either regulated or non-regulated by government or government appointed industry.

Generically, such investor-lenders are referred by the term of art: "private lenders"; and generically, such transactions are referred by the term of art: "private mortgages". Terms of Art are not defined consistently - depending on the subject matter - so have broadly accepted meanings and applications-of-use. Due to inconsistent definitions and applications-of-use of the terms of art: "private lender" or "private mortgage", there is a high degree of confusion within the global marketplace when it comes to distinguishing a credible, non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated, real estate debt industry participant or transaction, from one that is not.

Scientifically (on the basis of ontology), the term "private" is equivalent to "Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow". Visit to learn about the ontology, terminology, lexicography and related matters.

Such confusion regarding terminology has lead many inexperienced mortgage consumers (borrowers) and unsophisticated mortgage investor-lenders to incur significant losses caused by errors, omissions, inexperience or negligence by individuals who claim to be professionals in the domain of non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated, real estate debt transactions when they are not. Or, a real estate debt transaction is represented to be of a non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated nature, when it is not.

Through the establishment of standards, criteria and trademarked terms including: Private Equity Mortgage PEM®, the Private Equity Mortgage Institute provides consumers, investors, government and related parties with distinguishing marks and source identifiers for non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated, real estate debt transaction and related industry professionals.

Some Members and Fellows of the Private Equity Mortgage Institute PEMI® hold the prestigious C-PEM®-P Chartered Private Equity Mortgage Professional.

Mission & What Does PEMPAC® Do?

PEMPAC's role is to advance the International Private Mortgage Institute's (PEMI®) global mission, within Canada.

This includes, the advancement of professionalism, ethics, quality, global standards (ISO 9000/, methodologies, advocacy, compliance, business & operational practices through the professional development of real estate finance commerce, worldwide.

Consumers (borrowers), investors, lenders, mortgage bankers, licensed brokers and licensed agents who participate in Private Equity Mortgage (PEM®) transactions in our countries-of-interest (see below), will benefit from the Private Equity Mortgage Institute as follows:

  • Private Equity Mortgage (PEM)® Education
  • Private Equity Mortgage (PEM)® Standards
  • Industry Classes - Professional Designation
  • Compliance
  • Audit
  • Industry Advocacy
  • Borrower Advocacy
  • Research, White Papers & Policy Reports
  • Expert Witness

This list is from the website.

Learn more about what PEMI® does.

What are National Standards-Class and International Standards-Class Professionals?

Visit to learn about National Standards-Class and International Standards-Class Professionals; also known as NISC™-designated Professionals.

Find a Chartered Private Equity Mortgage Professional (C-PEM®-P)

There are various classes of Chartered Private Equity Mortgage Professionals (C-PEM®-P).

Mortgage Broker Class:

Click here for a list of PEMI® Chartered Private Equity Mortgage (PEM®) Brokers in Canada.

Other Classes:

Click Here for Other Classes